The Meanings of Top Baby Names
Each year the Social Security Administration releases a list of the top names. 2005's list is the most recent list available. Ever been curious about what the names mean? Read on to find out the meaning of some of 2005's top names. The most popular boy's name in 2005 was Jacob. Jacob is a biblical name: he was the father of the founders of the 12 tribes in Israel. His name means "holder of the heel" because he was born holding Esau's (his twin brother) heel. The #2 boy's name is Michael. The name is derived from a Hebrew word meaning "who is like God?" Michael is the only archangel in the Bible, and one of seven in the Hebrew faith. Michael was the leader of heaven's armies in the Book of Revelation. Next in the boy's list is Joshua. This name comes from the Hebrew name ?????????? (Yehoshu'a) meaning "Yahweh is salvation". In the Old Testament, Moses sent twelve spies into Canaan: Joshua was one of them. Interestingly, the name Jesus is derived from Joshua. The fourth most popular name for boys is Matthew. Matthew is an English version of a Greek form of a Hebrew name meaning "gift of Yahweh". Saint Matthew was a tax collector and one of the 12 apostles. Ethan, the fifth most popular boy's name, appears in the Hebrew Bible. He may have played cymbals in King David's court, and he wrote Psalm 89. The meaning of this name is strong and optimistic.
Emily, the most popular girl's name, is Latin in origin and means rival or emulating. The name may be derived from 'aemulus' which means trying to excel. The name may also be derived from the Greek work 'aimulos' meaning friendly or tender. Emma means universal, whole, or all embracing in German. The name could also be short for Erma, which means 'strong'. Emma may also be short for Emmanuelle. Madison, which is used for both girls and boys but listed as a girl's name by SSA, is the third most common girl's name. It is English in origin and originally appeared in the Middle Ages as Mad's son or son of Maud. The fourth most popular girl's name, Abigail, means "father of exaltation" in Hebrew. She was King David's third wife, and the name came into use during the 16th century in Britain. Lastly, Olivia is Latin in origin, meaning "olive tree". The name appeared in Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night". The olive tree is typically a symbol of fruitfulness or peace, and the name Olivia may be derived from this. By uncgrad
Emily, the most popular girl's name, is Latin in origin and means rival or emulating. The name may be derived from 'aemulus' which means trying to excel. The name may also be derived from the Greek work 'aimulos' meaning friendly or tender. Emma means universal, whole, or all embracing in German. The name could also be short for Erma, which means 'strong'. Emma may also be short for Emmanuelle. Madison, which is used for both girls and boys but listed as a girl's name by SSA, is the third most common girl's name. It is English in origin and originally appeared in the Middle Ages as Mad's son or son of Maud. The fourth most popular girl's name, Abigail, means "father of exaltation" in Hebrew. She was King David's third wife, and the name came into use during the 16th century in Britain. Lastly, Olivia is Latin in origin, meaning "olive tree". The name appeared in Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night". The olive tree is typically a symbol of fruitfulness or peace, and the name Olivia may be derived from this. By uncgrad
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